Pricing Schedule
Prices and availability subject to change – Please contact us for current information
Plot $1,500.00
Endowment $400.00
Single Crypt $902.81
Open/Close $800.00
Total $3,602.81
Plot $1,700.00
Endowment $500.00
Single Crypt $902.81
Open/Close $800.00
Total $3,902.81
Plot $1,500.00
Endowment $400.00
Double Crypt $1805.63
Open/Close 1st $900.00 (2nd cannot be pre-paid)
Total $4,605.63
Plot $1,700.00
Endowment $500.00
Double Crypt $1,805.63
Open/Close 1st $900.00 (2nd cannot be pre-paid)
Total $4,905.63
Plot $1350.00
Endowment $300
Standard Urn Vault $212.19/Large UV 228.41/ Oversize UV $260.84
Open/Close $300.00.
Total $2,162.19/2,178.41/2,210.84
Check with office if a property has been quitclaimed back to the district
Check with office if a property has been quitclaimed back to the district
Niche Row A Single $1,250.00 Double $1,750
Niche Row B Single $1,450.00 Double $1,950
Niche Row C Single $1,650.00 Double $2,150
Niche Rows D & E Single $1,850.00 Double $2,350
Endowment $250.00
Bronze Urn $133.12 each (2nd persons urn cannot be pre-paid)
Open/Close $100 each (2nd o/c cannot be pre-paid)
Niche Vase (optional) $54.06
Single casket burial water protective Titan vault – $1,601.56
Doric in-ground cremation water protective urn vault – $667.66
Per H&S 9061(a) A non-resident fee of $500 will apply if the eligible person was not living within Vacaville-Elmira District and/or the property tax base area at the time of passing.