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Visiting Us

May contain: rose, plant, flower, and blossom
Please observe all rules and regulations
for the mutual protection of all
visitors to Vacaville-Elimra Cemetery.

The Vacaville-Elmira Cemetery invites you to visit our beautiful grounds during our hours of operation.
The cemetery grounds are open every day of the year for visitation from 8 am to 8 pm March through September and from 8 am to 6 pm October through February.
Our staff are in the office from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, except on State and Federal holidays.
The staff can help you with inquiries of gravesite location of a loved one or friend.

May contain: plant, flower, blossom, flower bouquet, and flower arrangement
Most people visiting our cemetery are people coming to visit deceased loved ones.
Please allow them their solitude and privacy.


 Motor vehicles may be driven within the cemetery at no greater than 10 miles per hour.
• No vehicles shall drive off a roadway.
• All vehicles will be equipped with appropriate mufflers so as to keep noise to a minimum.
• No bicycles, rollerblades, rollerskates, scooters or skateboards may be ridden within the cemetery grounds.
• Alcoholic beverages, marijuana and illegal substances are not permitted on cemetery grounds.
• Please deposit your trash in the provided containers. Leaving the cemetery clean is a sign of respect.

EZ-ups and other shade structures, except a personal umbrella, are NOT permitted.

NO barbecuing or cooking of any kind is allowed on the cemetery grounds. 


Authorized Decorations - see Rules and Regulations tab for a full list

• Only real and artificial flowers are acceptable.
• Flowers shall be placed ONLY in the vases provided in traditional markers, not to exceed two (2) vases per plot.
• No glass or ceramic vases.
• No paraphernalia, such as flowers, pictures, flags stickers, knick-knacks etc., are to be placed in the niche areas that do not have vases provided.
• Only flowers are allowed in niche areas that do provide vases.
• No pinwheels, whirly-gigs, balloons, statues, bric-a-brac, stuffed animals, wooden or metal stakes, wires or like devices are allowed on any gravesite.
• Fresh and artificial flowers that are wilted, faded or present an unsightly appearance will be disposed of by staff.  
• Check with the cemetery office staff first if you are in question of any of the above rules.
• No person including plot owners are permitted to erect fences or hedges on or around any plot.
• No planting of trees, shrubs, annuals or perennials is allowed. Please contact our staff about donating a tree.


The cemetery makes every effort to enforce rules and regulations uniformly and with compassion.

May contain: funeral, person, and human
The Board of Trustees and Staff
Thank You for Your Cooperation
Helping to Keep the Cemetery Safe and Preserve it’s Beauty.